This applies to the case when a task requires action by a manager, admin or owner/franchisee. In particular, when there are more than one manager for an individual (same level of management), or there are multiple admins and/or owners for a business. 

This "does not" apply to any templates that only requires action by an individual/ employee. 

  1. When multiple individuals are assigned the role of manager for the same department, location or business:
    1. All the tasks for that management level will be assigned to all the individuals holding the same leve of manager role within the same hierarchy. 
    2. The system will show the task as "pending" action by multiple managers. However, the task will be counted in the compliance table will only once, since it is the same, unique task assigned to multiple managers.
    3. When one of the managers starts taking action and/or "saves" the task by clicking "Save" while working on the template, that particular task will be de-assigned from other manager's queue and will not show up in their task list. 
    4. If the current manager working on that task does not complete the task by taking the required action/s (signature, filling out all the necessary fields etc.), then during the overnight sync (run at around mid-night Pacific time, USA), that task will be "re-assigned" to all the applicable managers. Any changes done by the earlier managers "will not" be saved. 
  2. When a company has multiple admins then all of the individual tasks to be assigned to an admin will be assigned to ALL the admins - irrespective of whether the admin is an owner/admin or an admin only. 
    1. The task flow will work exactly same as "A" above within all the admins. These will include all owner-admins as well. 
  3. For Business Templates, all tasks that are due by an owner (also an admin), will be assigned to ALL owner-admin only. 
    1. The task flow will work exactly same as "A" above within all the owners. 

Following is an examples: 

Sylvia works in "Service" department a for a company ABC. Mindy and Rob are both department managers for "Service" department.

  1. When a task for sylvia requires manager action, it will be assigned to both Mindy and Rob.
    1. Compliance table will show the task "pending" manager action by Mindy and Rob.
  2. If Mindy starts working on the task first and completes the task, then the task is marked "complete" and is de-assigned from Mindy's and Rob's queue permanently. 
  3. If, Mindy starts working on the task, but instead of completing it, she "saves" it, the incomplete task with partially filled information will stay in Mindy's task queue. 
    1. The task is "temporarily" removed from Rob's task queue.
    2. Compliance table will show the task "pending" manager action by Mindy only.
    3. If Mindy completes the task before mid-night Pacific Time, USA, the the task is marked complete and it is de-assigned from Mindy's and Rob's queue permanently. 
    4. If Mindy does not complete the task by mid-night Pacific Time, USA, then all the updates done to the task by Mindy are discarded and the task is re-assigned to both Mindy and Rob.