To change the content (i.e. document to be read, signed etc.) of an existing template or the flow of the template, requires creating a "New Version" of the template.
This allows the admin to change everything in the template including the assignment parameters in the "PROPERTIES" tab as well as the template flow and document in the "TEMPLATE DOC" tab.
To do this:
Click on "My Templates" on the Admin panel on the left hand side and go to the template that you need to make inactive.
Click on the icon showing "three vertical dots" on the right hand side of the EDIT button for the particular templates.
This will take you to the template wizard and allow you to change all the parameters for the template.
You will notice that the "ACTIVATION" tab now has more options as shown below. Each option will allow the admin to select how the revised template will be assigned - whether to only new roles or to everyone. Please select this with care before making the template active.
This is not the same as "EDITing" a template, where only the assignment attributes in the "PROPERTIES" section in the wizard can be edited.