Template = Business Critical Requirement!

Template is the most powerful tool that a company admin can use to ensure uniform company-wide and network-wide compliance. FOCUS451 enables creation of electronic versions of compliance requirements ("templates") to a library. 

There are two types of templates: 

  1. Business-level and 
  2. User (employee) level
  • Business templates: These are compliance requirements applicable to the business. The owner or designated Company Admin is responsible for confirming compliance with each of these requirements by logging into FOCUS451 and completing the required task that may require providing e-signatures. These could be company insurance documents, tracking various permits etc. 
  • User (employee) templates: These are compliance requirements applicable to users within the company. The templates are applied to individuals based on
    • User Role: As decided by the department assignment. e.g. Manager, Sales, Service etc. 
    • User Stage: As assigned by the Company Admin/Business Manager. e.g. Pre-Hire, Hire, Manage, Retire, Terminated, Not Hired. 
    • The individual users are responsible for completing their tasks as per the templates by logging into their own accounts. This may require providing the user's e-signature. Similar to business templates, these could be “read & acknowledge” or a document that is required to be “e-signed”!

Each template can be edited as needed and reapplied in real time. 

Once a template is made active, it can be applied to an individual (manual assignment), a department, a location or to the entire business.