Each user is sent Email alert for tasks as follows: 

  1. First alert is sent once a task is assigned. This alert may be automatically generated based on an expiring supporting document (such as, Certification or Permit) or a task that is needed to be "refreshed" periodically (such as, periodic review of a company policy).
  2. Pending Tasks: Depending on the due date of the task, the user is sent an automatic email alert
    1. Every month - when the task is due more than at month/s away,
    2. Every week - when the task is due within the next 30 days,
    3. Each day of the last 3 days of the task due date. 
  3. Outstanding Tasks: Once the due date of a task is past, email alerts are sent to the user and immediate manager within the hierarchy. 
    1. Every day - when the task is past the due date. 
    2. At this point, the user is marked as "Non-Compliant" and the status of the location/business is considered RED (Non-Compliant).